Service Update

Beginning mid-August, we will gradually resume adapted in-branch services in multiple phases with the health and safety of our customers and staff as our top priority.
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- New eBooks
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- New audiobooks
- New print books

蜂窝助手电脑版-蜂窝助手官方最新电脑版(模拟器专属手游 ...:2021-4-5 · 蜂窝助手电脑版是一款专门为游戏玩家推出的辅助脚本工具。蜂窝助手已经完美适配市面上98%的安卓模拟器同步运行,并且拥有球球大作战辅助、问道手游辅助等诸多热门手游脚本,欢迎下载使 …
The Booker Prize Longlist was announced on July 27. Read the nominees!

A Message from the City Librarian
The library’s commitment to ending structural racism and building a more equitable society.

COVID-19 Library FAQ
Answers to your questions about impacts to library service, including information about checkouts and holds.

Find reliable information about the COVID-19 virus.

No library card? No problem!
Access our largest collection of ebooks and audiobooks with code TPL2023

Summer Services for Newcomers
Language support, health and wellness, and job skills programs with seven local Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP) agencies.
Live & online programs

Well-Read Black Girl
A discussion on the importance of representation in literature, with writers Glory Edim, Jamia Wilson and Renée Watson, moderated by Zalika Reid-Benta. Recorded on September 25, 2023.

Mini Makers: Sound
Kids and families can explore science, technology, engineering and math concepts at home through fun, hands-on activities. Learn about sound and build your own amplifier!

Eric Klinenberg: Palaces for the People
A conversation on the importance of social infrastructure with Zahra Ebrahim and Eric Klinenberg. Recorded on September 11, 2023.
Want to see what's coming up? Visit our programs page.

Digital Archive Ontario
Explore digital collections and library content for all Ontario residents.
Financial support from the Ontario government is gratefully acknowledged.

Donate Today
When you give to the Library, your donation is immediately directed to help with TPL’s highest priority needs, and makes a difference in the lives of the nearly 70% of Torontonians who rely on our programs and services.
Toronto Public Library is situated on Indigenous land and Dish with One Spoon territory. This is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Toronto Public Library gratefully acknowledges these Indigenous nations for their guardianship of this land. More information.